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This Course Include

  • Expert-led lectures covering AI and ML essentials.
  • Practical projects for hands-on skill development.
  • Access to cutting-edge AI tools and software.
  • Engaging discussions and collaboration with peers.
Course Details

Course Details 

Welcome to the "Excel Beginner" course by Syntax Academy! Throughout this comprehensive course, we'll equip you with the essential skills to navigate Excel with confidence. Across 10 sections and 44 engaging videos, we'll cover everything from basic tasks like creating and saving workbooks to more advanced functions like formulas and cell referencing. You'll learn efficient data management techniques, formatting options, and how to utilize Excel templates for increased productivity. By the course's end, you'll have a solid grasp of Excel, enabling you to organize data, perform calculations, and present information effectively for any purpose.

What You'll learn

  • Introduction to Excel and its interface.

  • Utilizing functions like SUM, Min, Max, Averages, and Count.
  • Efficient workbook management: creating, saving, and opening files.
  • Effective data manipulation: sorting, moving, copying, and deleting.
  • Essential shortcut keys for beginners.
  • Formatting cells, including percentages and borders.
  • Data entry techniques for text, numbers, and dates.
  • Applying conditional formatting for visual clarity.
  • Understanding cell referencing and formulas.
  • Inserting images, shapes, and SmartArt.
  • Mastering printing options and margins.
  • Exploring Excel templates for enhanced productivity.

Course Contents

Take a look at our past student
Success Stories

Doing the Excel Beginner course at Syntax Academy helped me do my job easier, faster, and cleaner. Thanks, Syntax Academy, for helping me work smart rather than hard.


The Excel advanced course not only improved my skills but also taught me new skills and techniques that I had never heard of, although I have worked with Excel for more than ten years.


If you want to upskill yourself in Web Development and E-commerce Automation, this course is for you. The GenAI Web Development and E-commerce Automation course at Syntax Academy helped me utilize AI tools to do my job faster, easier, and better. And it also got me promoted, which is always a plus.


The Excel course at Syntax Academy has really made a difference for me, and I'm thankful for the knowledge I gained. The course was easy to understand and follow, and I got to test what I learned in real-time practice.


I enjoyed the jam-packed curriculum and the guidance and community factor. I have gotten to connect with so many like-minded individuals.


I use Excel at work every day. After completing Syntax Academy's Excel advanced course, I've become a spreadsheet expert. Now, I'm more organized, efficient, and valuable to my team than ever before. These advanced skills don’t come from years of experience with Excel; you actually need to learn them from experts, which is what Syntax Academy’s course is about. 


Budget-Friendly Learning

How Syntax Academy Stacks Up
Against the Rest


$100 - $250

  • Lack of personalized guidance
  • Limited interaction with instructors
  • Insufficient focus on practical skills
  • Higher risk of dropping out due to lack of engagement



  • Tailored learning paths for individual needs
  • Engaging sessions with expert instructors
  • Cutting-edge curriculum reflecting industry demands
  • Affordable pricing without sacrificing quality
  • Access to a diverse range of courses and specializations
  • Opportunities for hands-on projects and real-world applications



  • Rigid schedules not suited to everyone
  • High-pressure environment leading to burnout
  • Limited flexibility in learning pace and style
  • Potential for financial strain with high tuition costs
  • Less individual attention due to larger class sizes